
What is coaching?
Coaching is an intentional relationship in which a trained coach uses powerful questions, strategic listening and accountability to uncover and utilize your strengths and insights to accomplish your goals. The coach is not an expert in the subject matter and does not set the agenda.
Who can be coached?
Coaching is for anyone pursuing clarity and growth in life. It's especially helpful around job/career/education transitions or goal setting for a specific area of life.
What is the commitment?
For best results, an initial commitment of 3-6 sessions with a coach, spaced in a way that works for both. Longer-term coaching is available too. Typically, it works best to meet every other week or once a month, to allow for time to focus on goals and to stay accountable to your plan.
How does it work?
We will meet for an initial conversation (no cost) to clarify expectations and see if you and I would make a good team. If so, you will sign a coaching covenant and begin sessions to work on what you want to work on. You talk 80% of the time and the coach steps in with clarifying and powerful questions.
What is the cost?
Typically, I charge $50 per session, but will offer discounts for students, LGBTQI+ folx and Indigenous folks. Do not let the idea of cost scare you. Please contact me to discuss fees if you are interested in coaching.
I have an ELCA Level 1 training and have been trained by an International Coaching Federation certified trainer.
Coaching is an intentional relationship in which a trained coach uses powerful questions, strategic listening and accountability to uncover and utilize your strengths and insights to accomplish your goals. The coach is not an expert in the subject matter and does not set the agenda.
Who can be coached?
Coaching is for anyone pursuing clarity and growth in life. It's especially helpful around job/career/education transitions or goal setting for a specific area of life.
What is the commitment?
For best results, an initial commitment of 3-6 sessions with a coach, spaced in a way that works for both. Longer-term coaching is available too. Typically, it works best to meet every other week or once a month, to allow for time to focus on goals and to stay accountable to your plan.
How does it work?
We will meet for an initial conversation (no cost) to clarify expectations and see if you and I would make a good team. If so, you will sign a coaching covenant and begin sessions to work on what you want to work on. You talk 80% of the time and the coach steps in with clarifying and powerful questions.
What is the cost?
Typically, I charge $50 per session, but will offer discounts for students, LGBTQI+ folx and Indigenous folks. Do not let the idea of cost scare you. Please contact me to discuss fees if you are interested in coaching.
I have an ELCA Level 1 training and have been trained by an International Coaching Federation certified trainer.
Thanks to the Alaska Synod for help putting this information together.