
The Rev. Meredith Harber currently serves as the pastor to Christ Lutheran Church in Soldotna, Alaska. She is an ordained pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).
Born and raised in Pennsylvania, she earned her BA in Psychology from Seton Hill University and her M.Div. from the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago with an emphasis in American Indian and Alaska Native Ministries, as well as an emphasis in Biblical Studies.
Prior to attending seminary, Pastor Meredith spent a year with the Young Adults in Global Mission (YAGM) program of the ELCA, where she volunteered at Dar al-Kalima Lutheran School in Bethlehem, Palestine. During seminary, she completed her pastoral internship on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota. She served as the pastor to Eben Ezer Lutheran Church and Oaks Indian Mission, in Oaks, Oklahoma, prior to moving to Alaska.
Pastor Meredith answered the call to come to the Kenai Peninsula because she is committed to youth and young adult faith formation within the context of a multigenerational and multicultural congregation. And because she believes we are all broken, messed up people, trying to figure out how to be faithful followers of Jesus. She believes that we are all beloved children of God and that our job is to love the other, not to decide who God loves. You'll find her working to comfort the afflicted and to afflict the comfortable.
In her spare time, Pastor Meredith enjoys cooking tasty food, hiking, camping, Nordic skiing, traveling, performing in community theater and spending time with her puppies, Jimmy and Ruthie.
Born and raised in Pennsylvania, she earned her BA in Psychology from Seton Hill University and her M.Div. from the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago with an emphasis in American Indian and Alaska Native Ministries, as well as an emphasis in Biblical Studies.
Prior to attending seminary, Pastor Meredith spent a year with the Young Adults in Global Mission (YAGM) program of the ELCA, where she volunteered at Dar al-Kalima Lutheran School in Bethlehem, Palestine. During seminary, she completed her pastoral internship on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota. She served as the pastor to Eben Ezer Lutheran Church and Oaks Indian Mission, in Oaks, Oklahoma, prior to moving to Alaska.
Pastor Meredith answered the call to come to the Kenai Peninsula because she is committed to youth and young adult faith formation within the context of a multigenerational and multicultural congregation. And because she believes we are all broken, messed up people, trying to figure out how to be faithful followers of Jesus. She believes that we are all beloved children of God and that our job is to love the other, not to decide who God loves. You'll find her working to comfort the afflicted and to afflict the comfortable.
In her spare time, Pastor Meredith enjoys cooking tasty food, hiking, camping, Nordic skiing, traveling, performing in community theater and spending time with her puppies, Jimmy and Ruthie.